Satellite Launch Vehicle - 3 (SLV-3) was India's 1st experimental satellite launch vehicle, which was an all solid, four stage vehicle weighing 17 tonnes with a height of 22m and capable of placing 40 kg class payloads in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
SLV-3 was well launched on July 18, 1980 from Sriharikota Range (SHAR), when Rohini satellite, RS-1, was placed in orbit, thus making India the sixth member of an exclusive club of space-faring nations . SLV-3 employed an open loop guidance (with stored pitch programme) to steer the vehicle in flight along a pre-determined path. The first experimental flight of SLV-3, in August 1979, was only somewhat successful. Apart from the July 1980 launch, there were two more launches which took place in May 1981 and April 1983, orbiting Rohini satellites and carrying remote sensing sensors.
The successful culmination of the SLV-3 project showed the way to advanced launch vehicle projects such as the Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV), Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and the Geosynchronous satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).
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