Friday, September 6, 2019

Chandrayaan 2 landing report

                     Chandrayaan 2 lander 

I expect that we all know about the ISRO Mission of Chandrayaan 2 and here to know about what has happened to the mission, although the mission didn't came out to be entirely successful, as a proud INDIAN i will say that it was a great start for our country to land on the lunar surface.

As per the reports of ISRO all we got to know that after the lander(Vikram) separated from the orbiter it was all going really well and as ISRO told all of us the clock for the most crucial 15 minutes had begun at that time, but after some minutes when the lander(Vikram) was about to touch the lunar surface and was about 2.1 km away the contact suddenly broke between the lander and the command center of ISRO (in Bengaluru, INDIA),  suddenly the entire team started to know the reason behind the break of contact between them but couldn't know the reason, but we can't even say that the lander has been crashed there are still chance that we will get the connection back and our scientists are trying to do there best in doing so and finding other ways.

But we can't say that the whole mission got waste but we still have the orbiter roaming around the moon which will give a lot of information to us and help us to know more about the lunar surface and to map the lunar surface which will be very helpful in the future missions of ISRO and world, and will also tell us information about the availability of water on moon which is our first concern.

when the PM got to the command center of ISRO the chief officer of ISRO Mr.Kailasavadivoo Sivan broke down into tears and PM Modi hugged him, as our prime minister said this is not the end this is a great achievement for INDIA.

The orbiter contains:

  • Chandrayaan-2 Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer from ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore.
  • Solar X-ray Monitor from Physical Research LaboratoryAhmedabad for mapping major elements present on the lunar surface.
  • Dual Frequency and S-band Synthetic Aperture Radar from Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad for probing the first few tens of meters of the lunar surface for the presence of different constituents, including water ice. SAR is expected to provide further evidence confirming the presence of water ice below the shadowed regions of the lunar surface.
  • Imaging IR Spectrometer from Space Applications Centre(SAC), Ahmedabad for mapping of lunar surface over a wide wavelength range for the study of minerals, water molecules, and hydroxyl present.
  • Chandrayaan-2 Atmospheric Compositional Explorer 2 (ChACE-2) Quadrupole Mass Analyzer from Space Physics Laboratory (SPL), Thiruvananthapuram to carry out a detailed study of the lunar exosphere.
  • Terrain Mapping Camera-2 (TMC-2) from Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad for preparing a three-dimensional map essential for studying the lunar mineralogy and geology
  • Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound Hypersensitive Ionosphere and Atmosphere – Dual Frequency Radio Science experiment (RAMBHA-DFRS) by SPL.
  • Orbiter High-Resolution Camera by SAC for scouting a hazard-free spot for landing. Imagery from OHRC will help in preparing the digital elevation models of the lunar surface.
This is also a big achievement for ISRO as well as INDIA.
As our prime minister said that if in future any poet will write on the chandrayaan 2 mission he would say something like 'The love between the lander and the moon was so strong that the lander couldn't resist to hug the moon and rushed toward the lunar surface' because as we consider moon as a symbol of love.

Now INDIA is looking forward to launching a rover and an orbiter to Mars.


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